Watch For The Gaps!

When Nehemiah gave instruction to God’s people when they were repairing the walls of Jerusalem, he told them to pay close attention to “exposed places” or gaps.

“Therefore I stationed some of the people behind the lowest points of the wall at the exposed places, posting them by families, with their swords, spears and bows.”

The New International Version (Ne 4:13). (2011). Zondervan.

Explosed places in the ancient wall were places that had holes in it due to eroison and damage done by their enemies. Our explosed places are our most vulnerable spots in our lives. They are were the enemy can creep into with very little resistance. Ask God to show you you exposed places so that you can sure them up in prayer, meditation, and fasting. Stay strong, keep the faith and close up those holes!

-Pastor Mike


Afraid of Them?


Prayer in Action