Eat, Sleep, & Shower at Church?
Philemon 1:2 states, “To the church that is in your house, to the church that (meets) in your house.”
Paul wrote mostly to churches but this was written to someone’s house. Is there a church in your house? Or better, is your house a church? Some of you are asking, “What is this dude talking about? My home is not a church. Church is Church. My home is where I sleep, eat, and shower.”
Well, I got news for you. Most first-century churches were in homes! Can you imagine Paul coming to your house to read the scriptures and pray? WOW, what a vision. Guess what? You can have someone better than Paul come and pray in your house… The Holy Spirit! Matter of fact, the Holy Spirit wants to come and dwell in you and reside in your home!
A church is a meeting place for the saints. Aren’t you a saint? If so, you can make your house a church!
-Pastor Mike